Saturday, August 11, 2007

The benefit of the doubt !

Ok Ok i know that what I've being writing is kind of annoying n really boring and pointless for some people. I look like a stupid frustrated with this world n this society touching in a pointless subject that maybe will never take me anywhere. Whatever! I dont even know if someone will one of this or those days read this. Its not the kind of stuff people search in blogs anyway.
But i dont want people to have this image of me... in fact i dont want people to have any image of me. Or maybe i do, and what i call image can be different of what u do.

So... i was looking around and seems that the popular blogs are the ones that are unusual in some way, like made all in HQ, have lots of pics, links for downloads and other helpfully stuff. They are made for the people. Not for the owner.

It doesn't really matters...

Hopefully someone will read my fuckin blog cuz even im trying to put in my mind that what im writing is just for me i do want people to tell what they think. Im sorry!Im human. Humans are like this.



"torna-te quem tu és" (Nietzsche)

Gabriel said...

well, i did, i read your text, but i was hoping to find out what you think about lain, but even you doens't had do it, i like it anyway.. check out my blog to jasmine rodgers:

if you like lain, you must like


Unknown said...

Heey... Oh I liked a lot to read your posts, specially the second one...! I already have spent so much time thinking about these things...about the masks that society make us wear..!! There are many things to be thought about these things..but i really liked your point of view..your view of life..Im almost same age as you and i really cant understand how ppl can live confortable while there are so many things to be discussed in this life! Hard to know what life is...! But someday I will..!! Well, you stop blogging 1 year ago..its long..but I would really appreciate if we could talk someday..maybe on MSN... emails..same email address...! Não sei se você eh brasileira, mas me pareceu que sim..!! Anyway, I really hope talking to you soon...!! Have it good..!! Byebye..!